Navigating Around Workplace Bias

A few weeks ago, I spoke with a client who was distraught over humiliation she experienced at work after learning that many in her office believed she was only promoted because of Affirmative Action. She found it difficult to work because she wondered how many others held the same belief.  As I tried to convince and remind her that she earned her promotion, she questioned her abilities.

The experience shattered her confidence. 

Unfortunately, many people of color are challenged with this same experience. The stress of trying to fit-in to a culture that doesn't seem to include them or the responsibility of properly representing their race is a part of their norm. Navigating Around Workplace Bias describes their experience and provides tips on how to navigate around workplace bias. 

If you have experienced discrimination of any type, report it. If the company has a process, go through the internal process first. The following resource can help determine what can be done:

Learn more from my original blog post Navigating Around Workplace Bias.


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