
Showing posts from January, 2017

Five Easy Tips To Help You Get Through the Interview!

The interview process can be an intimidating experience for many looking to secure a new position. The experience can become almost terrifying for those who are extremely introverted. They become so nervous that they risk completely bombing the interview. The uncertainty of “being good enough” weighs heavily and their confidence quickly begins to erode. The question of “What if” pervades their thoughts:  ·          What if I have a panel interview? ·          What if they ask me (fill in the blank)? ·          What if I mess up? ·          What if I’m not good enough? ·          What if I don’t get the job, how will I pay my bills? What if I told you that the job interview doesn’t have to be a nightmare experience?  When approached from an optimistic, proactive perspective, the job interview can be productive for both the candidate and the interviewer. The following tips help provide insight on how to successfully get through the interview: 1)       Take a pos

Welcome to the NetKiEnt Career Blog!

NetKi Enterprises career products and services at NetKi Enterprises Inspiration products and services at Happy New Year!  In 2017, we are moving in faith toward our purpose at NetKi Enterprises!  We have increased our efforts to continue to help our clients increase their confidence and realize their best successes. Our goal is to offer powerful experiences through our career products, services and inspirational products. 2016 was a transformational year for us in that we revamped both of our websites ( netkienterprises career site and netkient inspiration site ) and added several additional brands to our portfolio! Our full Brand portfolio include the following: §   NetKiEnt Career Tips §   NetKiEnt Today Chronicles §   NetKiEnt Inspiration §   NetKiEnt No Fear Movement §   NetKiEnt resume design templates §   NetKi Enterprises Boutique §   NetKi Enterprises Store on ·          No Fea

This is your year for A New Career, Will your current strategy help you achieve it?

You have decided that this is the year that you will move forward in your career by getting a new position.  You did the humbling mental work of changing your perspective of blaming everyone else for your current situation.  You now realize that you own the decisions that led you on your current journey.  In self-analysis you have also figured out that what you do bring to the company is of great value.  You found that you have accomplished a lot in your career and are pretty proud of it.  As such, your confidence to move forward has soared.  You are ready to take the next step. Congratulations! Faced with a competitive labor market that emphasizes technical prowess in every industry, a candidate has to demonstrate flexibility, ingenuity, collaboration and expertise.  As with anything job-seekers today must have a strategy for achieving their next position or pursuing career growth.  The following tips provide helpful guidelines to help you stand out from other candidates to g

Is a lack of confidence holding you back?

"What is the number one accomplishment in your career that you are most proud of? " An uneasy pause. A nervous laugh. “Um, Let me see…Give me a minute to think about it.” After several minutes of pondering, the client is able to offer one or two accomplishments that they are proud of.  This is a common scenario of the first few minutes of a session where I ask a new client to tell me about their career accomplishments. This response is common from clients across industries, titles and education. I choose this question because it gives me a window to how the client views him/herself, what he/she is most passionate about and helps me to understand how to best help them reach their career goals. It never ceases to amaze me how brilliant people in their own right naturally struggle when it comes to talking about themselves. It’s as if they have been conditioned to  not  celebrate their successes.    As we continue and I ask them to expand more on their accomplis

Do You Really Need A New Position or Do You Actually Need A New Perspective?

Have you ever heard the old adage, “The grass is always greener on the other side?”  A better description would be “The grass always APPEARS greener on the other side.”  It is a part of human nature to want more, to compare ourselves to others and think that our lives or in this case, careers are more exciting or the companies they work for are super wonderful. We may even go as far as to say, “If I had (fill in the name)’s career, I would be so much further in my life.” Or “If I worked at (fill in the company name), I would be happier and better appreciated.”  However, once we get to the “ other side ” we find that the grass was painted green and isn’t even real and not only that, we have now been assigned the task of painting it green. By this time, unfortunately too late, we realize that the grass really isn’t greener on the other side at all and are now full of regrets. We now start looking at the “greener grass” over there and we're even more bitter. This time, however